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The Insurance Supervision Agency (ISA) was established in 2009. The Insurance Supervision Law sets the legal grounds for the establishment and performance of the authorisations of the ISA. ISA has a status of a legal person and is obliged annualy to report to the Parlament.
Managing body of the ISA is the president and 4 other members of the Council of experts.
The ISA is authorised to perform supervision over the insurance undertakings, insurance brokerage companies, insurance agencies, insurance brokers and agents, all the related parties defined by the Insurance Supervision Law as well as supervision over the activities of the National Insurance Bureau (the Green Card Bureau). The ISA is also authorised to issue and withdraw licences, consents, to issue measures and sanctions, to adopt secondary insurance regulation and to propose amendments of the primary insurance regulation. The ISA shall initiate the procedures to become full member of the relevant european and international insurance supervision associations and shall initiate cooperation with counterparts from the region with an objective of further development of sound and stable insurance markets.
The Insurance Supervision Agency was set up as an independent regulatory authority that shall promote fair and efficient functioning of the insurance market with the objective of protection of the rights of the insurance policyholders and beneficiaries.
This objective shall be achieved by creating a modern and efficient insurance sector, that will offer quality insurance services and that shall promote further development of the financial sector in the country.

Basic principles
The ISA shall react promptly and on a comprehensive manner, committed towards achievement of the mission and the strategic goals as an insurance supervision authority.
In performance of its activities the ISA shall implement the highest ethical standards in the communication and the cooperation with all the stakeholders in the insurance supervision process.
The ISA shall strive to perform its authorisations in a manner that shall ensure efficient realization of its strategic goals in accordance to the highest standards of the profession and at rational costs.
The ISA shall regularly disclose all the relevant information about the insurance market and the insurance services offered in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Managing body of the Insurance Supervision Agency is the Council of experts. It consists of the president and four members.
Managing body of the Insurance Supervision Agency is the Council of experts. It consists of the president and four members.
Претседател на Советот на експерти, д-р Крсте Шајноски (krste.shajnoski@aso.mk)
Професионално ангажиран член на Советот на експерти, Злате Симоновски, (zlate.simonovski@aso.mk)
Професионално ангажиран член на Советот на експерти, Сулејман Ахмеди, (sulejman.ahmedi@aso.mk)
Надворешен член на Советот на експерти, д-р Игор Ивановски, (igor.ivanovski@aso.mk)
Надворешен член на Советот на експерти, Александра Кокароска (aleksandra.kokaroska@aso.mk)

The Independent Unit for Affairs Directly Connected with the Cabinet of the Council of experts
The Independent Unit for Affairs Directly Connected with the Cabinet of the Council of experts performs work directly related to the affairs of the Council of experts and the President of the Council of experts; protocol matters, preparation of press releases and information about their activities, international cooperation with competent supervisory authorities in the country and abroad, organizing meetings and communication with the media, achieving communication with other bodies and organizations, reviewing and proposing measures for initiatives; preparing the necessary materials for the Council’s sessions; monitoring the implementation of acts adopted by the Council of experts and the President of the Council of experts.

The Independent Unit for Internal Audit
The Independent Unit for Internal Audit carries out work related to planning, organizing and conducting audits in accordance with legal regulations, audit international standards and established audit policies for work of the Agency; preparing program for each audit; compiling adequate documentation and information from the conducted audits, which shall submit to the Council of experts; initiating changes to the general regulations related to the operation of the Agency and other enforcement matters in the field of auditing, which are the responsibility of this Unit and the Agency.

Стручна служба за регулатива и лиценцирање
The Licensing and Legislative Department carries out all tasks connected to the monitoring of regional and international regulation in the insurance; preparation of requests for changes and amendments to the legislation in the field of insurance; preparation of insurance by-laws; preparation of acts (decisions, orders, permissions, licenses, approvals, etc.). which grant/reject the applications of individuals and legal entities for performing works in the insurance area; preparation of reports and analysis of its scope of work and performs other tasks identified by the Council of experts and the President of the Council of experts.
Дирекција за регулатива
Дирекција за лиценцирање

The Supervision Department
The Supervision Department accomplishes work that is related to conducting the on-site and off-site supervision over the insurance companies (life & non-life), the insurance brokerage companies, insurance agencies, insurance brokers, insurance agents, actuaries and the National Green Card Bureau. Proposes measures of supervision according to the law and by-laws; controls the operations of the actuaries; prepares reports and analysis for the conducted on-site and off-site supervisions; prepares actuarial analysis and opinions based on the conducted supervision; performs analysis of the insurance market in function of its development and perspectives and performs other duties specified by the Council of experts and the President of the Council of experts.
Дирекција за теренска супервизија
Дирекција за вонтеренска супервизија
Дирекција за актуарски работи и статистика
Дирекција за истражување и развој

The General Affairs and Administrative Department
The General Affairs and Administrative Department performs work concerning: the preparation of general acts of the Agency’s status and the status of the employees; the need for providing resources for work and their distribution; bookkeeping and the establishment and maintenance of the Information System of the Agency.
Координатор на стручна служба, Катерина Веловска (katerina.velovska@aso.mk)
Дирекција за финансиско сметководствени работи
Дирекција за информатика
Дирекција за правни и административни работи
Дирекција за финансиско сметководствени работи
Дирекција за информатика
Независни Дирекции
Дирекција за работи непосредно поврзани со Советот на експерти
Координатор на Дирекција, Ратка Целаковски (ratka.celakovski@aso.mk)
Дирекција за внатрешна ревизија:
Координатор на Дирекција, Наташа Ристовски, CIAPS (natasa.ristovski@aso.mk)
Стручни Служби и Дирекции:
Стручна служба за регулатива и лиценцирање
Координатор на стручна служба, м-р Билјана Јаневска Неделковска (biljana.janevska-nedelkovska@aso.mk)
Координатор на Дирекција за регулатива, Бобан Стојановиќ (boban.stojanovikj@aso.mk)
Координатор на Дирекција за лиценцирање, Мимоза Чкалеска Карталова (mimoza.kartalova@aso.mk)
Стручна служба за супервизија
Координатор на стручна служба, д-р Маја Парнарџиева – Змејкова (maja.parnardzieva-zmejkova@aso.mk)
Координатор на Дирекција за теренска супервизија,
Координатор на Дирекција за вонтеренска супервизија, м-р Коста Спасески (kosta.spaseski@aso.mk)
Дирекција за актуарски работи и статистика
Координатор на Дирекција за истражување и развој, д-р Дарко Блажевски (darko.blazevski@aso.mk)
Стручна служба за општи и административни работи
Координатор на стручна служба, Катерина Веловска (katerina.velovska@aso.mk)
Дирекција за правни и административни работи
Дирекција за финансиско сметководствени работи
Дирекција за информатика
- Supervisory authorities on the financial market in the Republic of North Macedonia
- National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia (NBRM)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Agency for Supervision of Fully Funded Pension Insurance(MAPAS)
- Money Laundering Prevention Directorate
International insurance supervisory authorities
- Insurance Supervision Agency – Slovenia
- Insurance Supervision Agency – Croatia
- National Bank of Serbia
- Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro
- Financial Supervision Commission – Bulgaria
- Albanian Financial Supervision Authority
- Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo
- Federal Financial Supervision Authority (BaFin) – Germany
- Austrian Financial Market Authority
- Insurance Supervisory Commission, Romania
International organizations
Годишен план
Јавни набавки 2019 година
Јавни набавки 2018 година
Јавни набавки 2017 година
Јавни набавки 2016 година